Thursday, May 26, 2011


Lastly I've been playing with Kinect, Processing, shiffman's openkinect, and a homemade screen :).

Thanks to Jaime Blasco for his Kinect, and Antonio Rincón for his proyector.
Here is the result: Holograms!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Lost in translation: WTF is happening inside my Android phone

Jaime Blasco and Pablo Rincon


Lost in translation: WTF is happening inside my Android phone, by Jaime Blasco and I (Pablo Rincón Crespo).

-- English --
In this talk we'll try to cover the state of the art of Android Security, focussing on the most used techniques to analyze malware apps (tools, environments, static/dynamic analysis, reversing, antiemulation..).

We will also use a real example of one of the latest known malware for this platform, detected on february 2011, unmasking the logic of the CnC servers that controlled this malware.

-- Spanish description --
En esta charla trataremos de describir el estado actual de la seguridad en Android, haciendo hincapié en las técnicas más usadas a la hora de analizar aplicaciones maliciosas (herramientas, entorno, análisis estático, dinámico, reversing, anti-emulación, anti-análisis...).

En la conferencia se utilizará un ejemplo real de uno de los últimos troyanos aparecidos para esta plataforma, llegando a "desenmascarar" el funcionamiento de los servidores utilizados para controlar el malware.

Video and Slides

At last, we have the video and slides:
The talk I did with Jaime Blasco at Rootedcon 2011. It's in Spanish.

But we have the slides in english